Sunday 30 March 2014

I'm Back!

Hello! I haven't blogged in forever, so bear with me as I'm a bit rusty. I also have Mommy-brain, thus my vocabulary consists of a lot of "coos, gahs & ahhs".  I have a beautiful daughter, Olivia, who is to thank for this so called mommy-vocabulary. She is just about 4 months old and my husband and I love her to pieces!!

Since I have been on maternity leave, I've had ample opportunity to practice my crocheting skills. As soon as Olivia is down for a nap- I pick up those hooks... AND I've also gotten myself addicted to Etsy- no really- it's a huge problem. Did you know that you can purchase PDF crochet patterns online?! It's my newfound nemesis.

Anyways, thanks to Etsy, I have downloaded MANY new patterns and have been trying my best to try each and every one. I even became inspired to tidy my yarn collection- so maybe my addiction isn't a bad thing for my motivation?!