Sunday 30 March 2014

I'm Back!

Hello! I haven't blogged in forever, so bear with me as I'm a bit rusty. I also have Mommy-brain, thus my vocabulary consists of a lot of "coos, gahs & ahhs".  I have a beautiful daughter, Olivia, who is to thank for this so called mommy-vocabulary. She is just about 4 months old and my husband and I love her to pieces!!

Since I have been on maternity leave, I've had ample opportunity to practice my crocheting skills. As soon as Olivia is down for a nap- I pick up those hooks... AND I've also gotten myself addicted to Etsy- no really- it's a huge problem. Did you know that you can purchase PDF crochet patterns online?! It's my newfound nemesis.

Anyways, thanks to Etsy, I have downloaded MANY new patterns and have been trying my best to try each and every one. I even became inspired to tidy my yarn collection- so maybe my addiction isn't a bad thing for my motivation?!

Monday 16 July 2012

Gluten Free Endeavours

After much contemplation, I have decided to endeavour the scary world of "gluten-free" and "dairy-free".  This had to begin with a trip to the local Chapters. Of course, I already cheated here when I ordered the "usual" at Starbucks (skinny hazelnut latte with whip). Oh well, I guess I'll start the "dairy-free" part tomorrow...

I hadn't realized how many cookbooks and recipes free of gluten there were. After about an hour, polishing off my latte and nearly giving up the search for my "perfect gluten-free cookbook", I found one that sort of tickled my fancy. Most of the recipes for breads/ muffins/ buns and bagels have this sketchy-sounding ingredient called Xanthum Gum (we'll see about that one), but overall the recipes looked pretty simple and most of all- delicious.

So after reading through many of the recipes and deciphering each of the ingredients- I have decided to venture "muffin baking" first. Albeit, I did make some delicious hummus from the book (with a few added ingredients). I also found an amazing blog called "Pickles and Honey" which has some fantabulous recipes- I'm in the midst of making some roasted chick peas now...

More to follow- surely will report on this muffin making business.

Friday 22 June 2012

Creative Suncatchers

Yet again, I was on pinterest and I found a really cool sun catcher- it was made from melted plastic beads! I decided to make it my next project endeavour...

Plastic Bead Package ($2.44 a package at Walmart)
Foil Packs ($1 at the dollar store)

Total cost of project: $3.44

Place a layer of beads on the bottom of each mould (the tins). Try to ensure that there aren't any holes in  the layer. Place in oven at 425 degrees for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool (about an hour). Don't be afraid if they start making "popping" noises. This is just the plastic removing itself from the tin wall. Pop out and decorate with wire/ more beads. Hang in window with fishing line. Now you have a creative and original sun catcher! Try different sizes or cookie cutters for different shapes...

Completed photos to follow!

Bead Projects

I have a TON of different sizes and colours of glass beads that have been sitting there just *waiting* to be used. I searched and searched for some different ideas and finally found some "wire" crafts using beads. FUN!

I brought my beads to my friends house, and three of us used our creative genes to make the most adorable wire buddies embellished with beads. My friend made the CUTEST owl (she loves owls) and I decided to make a dragonfly. At first I wasn't too please with the results, but it grew on me and it now has a special place hanging in my window. When we move, I am going to put it in my kitchen window, so I can admire it while I'm doing the dishes...

This craft could be costly, however since I had the beads and wire already it was free to me. If you went to Walmart, you could probably get all of the materials for about $10 or less. Just borrow some needle nose pliers from your husband!

Cupcake Apron

Along with all of my other crafty LOVES, I have a love of aprons. All shapes and sizes. However, I have very limited sewing skills. Luckily, this adorable pattern I found is SUPER SUPER easy, even for beginners like me. The cost of the project was amazing, I think, because I was able to make two little girl aprons and a matching on for myself.

2 yards Brown Canvas Fabric ($9)
1 metre of cupcake cotton fabric ($2)
1 cupcake iron-on from Michales ($1.99, $1 with coupon)

Total Cost- $14 for 3 aprons (WOW)

Homemade Blackboard

Along with my cork board, I decided that I would like a blackboard for my craft room. This has been one of THE cheapest projects this year! I bought a wooden cupboard door from the RE store (Habitat for Humanity) for only $2. I then painted the frame with my colour scheme and painted the inside with about 3 coats of Martha Stewart Blackboard paint. Total cost of project: $2. LOVE this!

Personalized Cork Board

My husband and I have just bought our first home and I am pretty psyched to say that I will be getting my very own LARGE craft room in the basement. Since we have such a lengthy closing date, I have been trying to finish all the "decor" for my room at the LEAST cost. I have repainted and redone many of my old pieces. I have had this old cork board for many years- instead of trashing it, I revamped it in the colour I would like to base my craft room with (the walls will be white- ish). My dad cut out the wood pieces for me and I used some mod-podge and embellishments on these to make them "pop".  I crocheted the banner along the top (also in my colour-scheme). This project was a load of fun!