Friday 30 March 2012

Drawstring Bags

I have inherited a sewing machine. And I am *so* excited to start learning the ins and outs of this hobby. In the past, I have hastily thrown together some sewn projects ALWAYS with the help of someone else- and have almost always given up before the project was complete.

Needless to say, I attempted to make a stuffed owl this morning- only to repeat history and give up when things got tough. Ahem- I stitched over its wings and one foot and began the painful process of ripping the stitching out... Needless to say, this lasted for about 2 minutes and the ugly/ half-finished owl remains face down on my desk.

Later in the evening, I was feeling quite discouraged about my sewing endeavour. I called my Aunt in hopes of gaining some expert advice on a simple project- she mentioned the drawstring bag. After about 15 minutes of confusing explanation of directions, I told her I thought I could figure it out and set out to yet again begin another project.

Thank goodness for the internet these days- I had no problem getting a tutorial on making drawstring bags on youtube. I highly advise looking up "novice sewing projects" on youtube, you would be amazed at what you can make!!! 

Drawstring Bags
14 x 16 inch piece of fabric (Fabric Land $2/ metre)
Sewing Machine
All purpose thread (matching to fabric)
You can choose to use ribbon or cut pieces of the fabric for the "string"

Look it up on

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